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It's your web team & ready to work on your challenging Web project.

Web development company

MageWix was founded with the aim of providing high quality & dedicated services to those who needed cutting-edge web solutions for their businesses. We are one of the leading company in INDIA that provides complete range of web solutions under one roof, and that too at extremely reasonable cost.

Have an awesome idea? We will provide a quick analysis free proposal for it. Don't worry, it is secure and confidential. LET'S TALK

EnRich solution for ECOMMERCE SOLUTION enrich solution

Create your e-store for
eCommerce Market

effective it consulting


To help your server & web software
with cutting edge technologies

dedicated team

Certified & ExperiencedDEDICATED TEAM

Achieve your
clients’ ambition

What does a Solution Partner do?

You invested in a Magento Commerce solution because you know that delivering exceptional commerce experiences is not a nice to have, it’s a must have in today’s online consumer world. Choosing a Magento solution partner is an important part of your commerce strategy. Magento helps you maximize your investment by maintaining a community of solution partners to meet your commerce needs.

  • Digital Strategy

    Digital Strategy

    From site design to differentiating your business from your competitors.

  • Customization Development

    Customization Development

    Project scoping with clients in region and globally while addressing needs for vertical markets with Magento customizations.

  • Configuration


    Addressing merchant needs whether new to commerce or upgrading an existing online store.

  • Integration and Deployment

    Integration and Deployment

    From simple to complex integration frameworks with third party applications.

You're in good company

See how others have benefited - Success Stories

Click on the awesome companies below to see how we have
adopted Web solution as a vital part of their business flow.

Magento 1 is out of life. Contact Us for migration
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